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Article: How Sleep Impacts Your Waist Training Journey: Beauty Sleep and your Metabolism

How Sleep Impacts Your Waist Training Journey: Beauty Sleep and your Metabolism

How Sleep Impacts Your Waist Training Journey: Beauty Sleep and your Metabolism

Beauty sleep is not just a thing of fairytales, there is a deep connection between your sleep length and quality, and your metabolism. In a society where we are go go go ALL THE TIME, sometimes our sleep is just an afterthought in our health and weightloss routines. But did you know that what happens in those precious hours that you are getting some shut eye can significantly affect your metabolism and in turn your waist training efforts?

The Basics:

Your metabolism is your body’s internal combustion engine - it dictates how calories are burnt and how energy is stored. Basically, when your body is well rested, it is more efficient at burning calories, plus you have more energy throughout the day which translates to a more active metabolism. When you catch those Z's, your body uses this downtime to repair tissues, regulate hormones, and basically do all the behind-the-scenes work that keeps your metabolism humming along.

The Nitty-Gritty:

Your Hormones - Hormones thrive on sleep, and hormones are the key players in your metabolism. Cortisol, the stress hormone, is a notorious saboteur when it comes to weight loss. But, with a solid sleep routine, you keep this bad boy in check. During sleep, your body also releases hormones like growth hormone, which helps with tissue repair, and melatonin, which regulates your sleep-wake cycle. These hormones work together to keep your metabolism running smoothly.

Stop the Cravings - Have you ever noticed that you crave carbs and sugar after a night of terrible sleep? Blame it on sleep deprivation, but when you’re sleep deprived your body craves quick energy fixes, and you’ll grab the nearest unhealthy food choice you can find. However a good night’s sleep will keep those cravings in check, allowing you to make healthier choices around what to fuel your body with.

REM sleep and fat burning - During REM sleep your body will burn more calories, dipping into your fat stores for fuel. Want to know more about sleep and calories? Check out this sleep study by

How much?

It is the million-dollar question: how much sleep do you actually need? Well, the general recommendation is 7-9 hours per night for adults, and while this might sound like a lot, trust me, it's definitely worth it. Think of sleep as an investment in your overall health and wellbeing, including your waist training goals.

Practical Tips:

So, how can you make the most of your zzz's to boost your metabolism? Here are some tips:

  • Try and stick to a consistent sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

  • Create a calming bedtime routine. Dim the lights, unwind with a good book, or listen to relaxing music.

  • Create a sleep-friendly environment. Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet.

  • Limit caffeine and alcohol, especially before bedtime.

  • Put away the screens at least an hour before bedtime. The blue light from screens can disrupt your sleep cycle.

Those simple changes to your sleep routine will improve your metabolism function and your overall wellbeing. Remember, your waist training journey should be all about creating a balanced lifestyle, and that includes prioritising sleep.


Considering sleeping in your waist trainer? Check out this helpful blog first: CAN YOU SLEEP IN A WAIST TRAINER?

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